Operators by Categories

This topic lists all major operators implemented by the Observable type by their categories, specifically: creation, conversion, combine, functional, mathematical, time, exceptions, miscellaneous, selection and primitives.

Operators by Categories

Creating an observable sequence
  1. create
  2. defer
  3. generate
  4. generateWithAbsoluteTime
  5. generateWithRelativeTime
  6. range
  7. using
Converting events or asynchronous patterns to observable sequences, or between Arrays and observable sequences.
  1. from
  2. fromArray
  3. fromCallback
  4. fromNodeCallback
  5. fromEvent
  6. fromEventPattern
  7. fromPromise
  8. of
  9. toArray
  10. toMap
  11. toPromise
  12. toSet
Combining multiple observable sequences into a single sequence.
  1. amb
  2. prototype.amb
  3. combineLatest
  4. concat
  5. prototype.concat
  6. startWith
  7. merge
  8. prototype.merge
  9. mergeAll
  10. repeat
  11. prototype.repeat
  12. withLatestFrom
  13. zip
  14. prototype.zip
Functional - Sharing Side Effects
  1. let
  2. publish
  3. publishLast
  4. publishValue
  5. replay
  6. share
  7. shareLast
  8. shareReplay
  9. shareValue
Mathemathical operators on sequences
  1. aggregate
  2. average
  3. count
  4. max
  5. maxBy
  6. min
  7. minBy
  8. reduce
  9. sum
Time-based operations
  1. debounce
  2. debounceWithSelector
  3. delay
  4. interval
  5. timeInterval
  6. timer
  7. timeout
  8. timeoutWithSelector
  9. timestamp
Handling Exceptions
  1. catch
  2. prototype.catch
  3. finally
  4. onErrorResumenext
  5. prototype.onErrorResumeNext
  6. retry
Filtering and selecting values in a sequence
  1. concatMap
  2. concatMapObserver
  3. elementAt
  4. elementAtOrDefault
  5. filter
  6. flatMap
  7. flatMapLatest
  8. flatMapObserver
  9. find
  10. findIndex
  11. first
  12. firstOrDefault
  13. includes
  14. last
  15. lastOrDefault
  16. map
  17. pluck
  18. select
  19. selectConcat
  20. selectMany
  21. selectManyObserver
  22. selectSwitch
  23. single
  24. singleOrDefault
  25. skip
  26. skipLast
  27. skipLastWithTime
  28. skipUntil
  29. skipWhile
  30. take
  31. takeLast
  32. takeLastBuffer
  33. takeLastBufferWithTime
  34. takeLastWithTime
  35. takeWhile
  36. where
Grouping and Windowing
  1. buffer
  2. bufferWithCount
  3. bufferWithTimeOrCount
  4. groupBy
  5. groupByUntil
  6. groupJoin
  7. join
  8. window
  9. windowWithCount
  10. windowWithTime
  11. windowWithTimeOrCount
Imperative Operators
  1. case
  2. do
  3. doOnNext
  4. doOnError
  5. doOnCompleted
  6. doWhile
  7. for
  8. if
  9. tap
  10. tapOnNext
  11. tapOnError
  12. tapOnCompleted
  13. while
  1. empty
  2. never
  3. return
  4. throw

See Also



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    No results matching ""